Mary Fae Smith (Clarissa Ryder) is a 20-year-old ambitious and aspiring young actress from the heart of America. She is the only daughter of Rod and Teresa Smith and has an older brother and a younger brother and many other very close relatives from the small town of Woodbine, Iowa. She is a third year student of Chapman University and is on schedule to graduate this May with a degree in theater performance. She is an active member of her church and enjoys learning new things about herself and others through her education, her career opportunities, and her faith.
Even though Mary’s generic name may seem to come right out of a classic reader from the 1950's, she is far from the typical stereotype. Her name may seem to indicate a traditional young woman looking to get married and have 2 children and settle down in her dream home with a white picket fence and a dog. Unlike her name, she is rather unique and non-traditional. Most people who know Mary wouldn’t dare try to fit her into any “traditional” stereotype.
Mary has great passion for everything that she does. She doesn't just do a job or task; rather, she becomes a part of the job or task at hand.
Mary's goals after graduation involve the unpredictable whirlwind that is the pursuit of a successful and rewarding acting career!